Sunday 25th July - accordion with Ledbury Morris at the Three Kings, Hanley Castle 2pm-4pm.
Saturday 21st August - accordion with Ledbury Morris at The Fold Summer Evening Market 4pm-8pm (performing 4:50pm to 17.10pm ).
Sunday 5th September - accordion with Ledbury Morris at The Trumpet (near Ledbury 2pm.
Saturday 11th September - accordion with Ledbury Morris with Bromyard Folk Festival
From 11am onwards at The Queens Arms, The Market Square (Hop Pole Hotel), The Kings Arms, The Rose and Lion and from 4:15pm at the Site Arena. I will be at each venue for 45mins-1 hour.
Sunday 14th November - accordion with Ledbury Morris at the Three Kings Beer Festival, Hanley Castle, 12pm-3pm.
Sunday 5th December - accordion with Ledbury Morris at the Royal Oak, Much Marcle, tbc.
Friday 11th December - piano solo gig, Woolhope, (private booking).
Tuesday 14th December - Christmas Sing with Hereford Community Choir, Hampton Bishop, 7:30pm-9pm.
Saturday 18th December - accordion with Ledbury Morris at the Fold, Christmas Market, Bransford, 2pm.
Saturday 8th January - whistle with Ledbury Morris at the Big Apple Wassail, tbc.